Tuesday 15 June 2010

Guest Post - Baby Genie

I'm not really here this week and off gallivanting, so I have some fantastic guest posts for you.

The first guest post if from Catherine who writes at BabyGenie 

My memories of being a new mummy

“What if I don’t want him when we get home?’ I said to my husband a few hours after the birth of our son.

His mind flitted between my wellbeing and what the coming days and weeks may hold.
I had an ok labour – pretty standard, tearful, painful, resulting epidural, forceps and then the birth of a healthy happy boy.

Like all mums, those early days were a little roller coaster.  On reflection, here is the auto pilot route I took.

A moment of panic as I saw a foot bent back the wrong way as our son was born, the delirium leaving me thinking of a baby penguin – a flipper*.

A moment of self doubt that I actually wanted to be a mum which thankfully cleared after a little sleep.

A moment of pure emotion when my dad ran towards me, not our newborn son, and kissed me – beaming with a look of pride that might burst from within him.

A wince of pure desperation as the physical pain pierced in to another day and left me unable to enjoy my new baby.

A morning of pure madness, throwing drop scones into a pan, rocking the bouncer with one foot, determined to arrive at a brunch party having prepared something home made with my four week old son.

A broken laptop, screaming baby and inconsolable mummy after trying to settle my child with white noise downloaded from the internet.

Handmade thank you cards sent out within a matter of moments of receiving a gift, just to prove a point.

Nights of playing Soduko on my phone whilst breast feeding; longing to feel that ‘incredible bonding’ feeling that never came.

But, more than anything, an overwhelming, heart stopping feeling of pure gratefulness that I was a mum.  I was washing clothes that said I love my mummy on them.  A change bag had replaced my handbag.  I knew if it was a hungry cry or a tired cry.  The baby was being passed back to me when he became unsettled.  That baby was mine.  And I did love him – and now, I love him more than I ever knew possible.

Thank you so much for that lovely guest post Catherine. 


  1. What an amazing post, I love this and can so relate. I also love the picture, so beautiful and natural. x

  2. Just realised I forgot to put the asterix in about the flipper!
    It was in fact positional talipes (http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/health/talipes/) and corrected itself after a few months.


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