Tuesday 28 July 2009

The Great Train Journey And Other Adventures Part 2

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin....

So in part 1 I told you about my disastrous train journey with BG, well the rest of the week didn't get a lot better!

OK so that's a little bit of an exaggeration as it was not all bad, Saturday was a rather nice day. My dad came to visit us, he had been to South Africa on the British Lions tour and came back laden with gifts (mainly for BG). BG has two more rugby kits, one in green and one in blue! We went for a lovely walk in town and then had some lunch, the weather stayed nice for us! The only thing that marred the day was my back was killing me, I thought it was due to all of the running around in the rain the day before little did I know it was the start of something nasty!!

When I woke up Sunday morning my back was killing me, OH had left me to have a lay in but I was in so much pain I had to get up. Once I was up I quickly realised that I had a kidney infection (Needed to pee 3 times in 30 mins!) I suffer with them quite a lot so know the signs, needless to say I felt like crap. BG was feeling to good either, very grumpy, off her food and drink, I thought she was teething. OH had to go to work which left a poorly me with a grumpy baby, oh joy!!

The only good thing to come out of Sunday was to find I had made it into the Tots 100 list! (sorry if I don't toot my own horn no one else will!!)

Monday wasn't much better and by Tuesday BG had a slight temp and I felt really poorly (If you follower me on Twitter you would have witnesses my whinging!)

On Wednesday BG seemed much better but I had a temp, a splitting headache, earache and a stuffed up nose! Can you see where I'm going with this?? I then find out that my GD who we spent Friday with had suspected Swine Flu!!!!!

So after a huge panic and discussion with OH we decided that BG was fine but I could have it. I couldn't get through to NHS direct and my doctors was closed so decided to ring in the morning.

I rang first thing and spoke to the triage nurse that told me it could be Swine flu, it could be flu or it could also just be a kidney infection and had the doctor call me. The doctor confirmed that I had UTI and also a upper respiratory infection that could or could not be Swine flu (the only way to confirm would be a swab). He offered me Tamiflu as my symptoms were borderline severe, though informed me all it does it reduce the length of time I have the symptoms. I asked if I could have antibiotics for the UTI and he she yes, so I sent OH to get them.

I did speak to him about BG and he wasn't concerned as she no longer had a temp, he said she probably had a mild bug and passed it onto me!! Thanks BG

Friday I still felt ill but not as bad and was looking forward to my lay in on Saturday as OH was off. Well the lay in never happened, all I could hear was BG screaming and OH trying to keep her quite!

So up gets mummy, thankfully I was feeling much better. Typical I have a day to be lazy and get OH to run around after me and I'm better, though my kidneys were still tender.

My last payslip and P45 turned up! I am officially unemployed! Anyway moving on.

We had a 1st birthday party to go to, so after some umming and ahhhing and looking at when I would be infectious to others we decided to go. I'm so glad we did, had a lovely time, BG got to be with other children in the sun and fresh air. The weather stayed nice all day, which was good as it was a BBQ!!

BG wore her Sophie4Sophie dress, which got a lot of comments, you can see why! Plus she had her matching lunch box

The birthday cake was fantastic, I want one made for BG's birthday!

BG was also given a little party bag with a great little toy for her, it was really nice that they had thought if her! Mummy got cake!

And then it was Sunday again!! In which again I did nothing!! So that was my eventful 8 days, I really don't want a week like that again !

NM x


  1. Wishing you all better. Congrats on your entry into Top 100!

  2. What an adventure, guess you will never forget her first train ride. The dresses really are adorable


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